Red Ash World Engine beta v2
Red Ash Ability Scores
Base: 6000 for playable/5000 for non-playable

The amount of people of a particular species. The base amount is 6000 and is also used as the points in the point buy system. You will spend population to buy powers, ability modifiers and, classes. Make certain you save enough people to grow your population.

There is a second use of this value and that is the base experience percentage that is gained by a character. For each 50 population less than 5000 (the original 6000-1000) characters will reduces experience by 1%. The reverse is also true; every 50 population over 5000 characters gain 1% from experience.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-2 Space for size

Reach is a number of centimeters around a unit/character that it can touch without having to move.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-4 Space for size

Step is the amount of spaces in centimeters you can move due to your stride. It is based on half of the species(characters) height. Any movement of an opponent beyond your step offers an attack of opportunity. If a tiny race is fighting a huge race and the huge race take a step, this allows the tiny races to gain an extra attack when the larger opponent moves. To avoid this the bigger opponent may only move the step of its opponent.

Land Speed
Base: See Size

This is a multiplier used on the step to determine the distance one can run in a round. Speed changes can be explained as a race with shorter or longer legs, or even more than 2 legs, or even unnaturally fast. The cost in population to improve land speed varies by size since 1 point of movement for a huge person has less impact than a tiny one (see size)

Air Speed
Base: 0

This is another multiplier that uses the species reach to determine the distance one can travel in a round. The default is 0 meaning no flight. The method of flight is left up to the designer of the race. Wings, mental powers, large gas filled sacks, etc... are all valid mechanics of flight. Flight is also less expensive for a smaller creature over a larger one (less mass to move around). So cost is affected by the size.

To keep turning in flight as simple as possible. Red Ash will use a simple formula of: (weight*(reach*air speed))/3 of slide (or forward movement) in millimeters for every 90 degrees turned (for those that do not know divide by 1000 to convert to meters). A medium species with a reach of 90cm, air speed of 6 and weight of 93kg the math would look like (93*(90*6))/3 = 16740mm or 16.74m of slide. This means that this species traveling along a line and making a turn onto another line of travel will need to start the turn 16.74 meters before the path they wish to travel. Entering the turn too late will overshoot it and too soon undershoot it. The value displayed here is for a species traveling at an air speed of 6. It can travel as slow as 1 which will make for a tighter turn. Also the species can climb (gain altitude) or descend (lose altitude). During a climb you lose speed and must spend x2 the PAP to maintain your speed. While in a descent you gain x2 speed at 1/2 the PAP.

Base: 70%
Max Change: +/-30%
Improve: +1% per -50 population
Decrease: -1% per +50 population

The amount of population that is available for combat by a king. This value defaults to 70%. So of 5000 people 3500 (70%) can be made into fighting units. The other 30% are too young or old and are incapable of wearing armor or holding a weapon.

Birth Rate
Base: 12%
Max Change: +/-8%
Improve: +1% per -500 population
Decrease: -1% per +500 population

This percentage value is the amount of population that are born per year. For a population of 5000 with the default 12% will gain 600 new people at the end of the year. It is one of the values used in determining if you have positive or negative growth. The other values being Death Rate and Life Span.

Life Span
Base: 6%
Max Change: +/-4%
Improve: -1% per +500 population
Decrease: +1% per -500 population

This is value of total annual deaths from end of life issues. So if you have a population of 5000, 300 will die from old age. This value is reduced from Birth Rates value to find the total population change for the year. You can increase or decrease this value, but keep in mind that decreasing you Life Span close to your Birth Rate will have a dramatic effect on your population growth and make your people sensitive to death rate values.

Death Rate
Base: based on events no base value

The number of deaths you have from disease, dehydration, hunger, exposure (having more population that you have room for), predation and, crime. Death rate is randomly generated for each category listed. Its base is 0% for each category (per season) but can increase depending on events that occur (disease outbreaks, violent weather or other natural disasters, sabotage, espionage and others). The number of deaths per category is totaled and added to the number from Life Span for the total lose of life for the year, it is possible to have a zero in death rate as long as the king is meeting the needs of the people and any issues out of the kings control do not occur. Keep in mind certain powers can affect the outcome of an event. For example a disease outbreak is pointless to a species immune to disease.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Coordination per -160
Decrease: -1 Coordination per 160

Your physical hand-eye ability. This is a base value used in determining an attack in combat. (This was previously named attack, but since attack value is the name given to offensive combat, I decided to change this ability to coordination for clarity.)

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Strength per -250
Decrease: -1 Strength per 250

This ability plays into you maximum load you can carry and also adds to the damage you do with a successful attack.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Agility per -160
Decrease: -1 Agility per 160

This is a base value used in your defensive combat value, or how hard you are to hit in combat. Unlike many systems armor does not increase the difficulty to hit you. Instead it makes it easier to hit you as you have this extra bulk to maneuver in combat. What armor does is absorb damage from blows that do hit you. A high agility can make you much harder to hit, think nimble.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Health per -160
Decrease: -1 Health per 160

This is a measure of your overall fitness, endurance and a base for your Life Points. Healthy races are less like to become affected by disease or poison.

Life points
Base: See chart

Life Points determine the amount of damage a character can take. Once this value is dropped to zero or less, the character acquires the unconscious status and is helpless and will begin bleeding unless the damage that dropped him was from a succesful.

A specific formula is used to determine you life point maximum value. It is further affected by the life modifier used in making the class you have. If you have no class at all then your life points is simply your health abilities value +25.

The formula is: round((2*((health/100)+.15))*(health+(class level*life modifier))), I will make a tool to help total the values.

  • Health: Your characters health ability value. It is used as a base value and as a modifier. As this increases or decreases you may need to adjust the max life points too. Some powers can affect ability scores, when health is affected then the life points must be redone to find the characters new max life points. Damage that the character takes or has taken will stay the same regardless of any changes to the health ability.
  • Class Level: As you gain class levels or as a creature is advanced to a higher racial level this will factor into a new max life points score.
  • Life Modifier: This is set when the class is designed and has a big impact on life points.

A character is not limited by a set amount of damage before death. Death is determined by a number of rounds equal to your (Health Ability/10) and the count down starts the round following when you drop. Once your time is up, you are dead.

You can stabilize during each round at (Health/20) as a percentage roll and this can be rolled once per round. You can also receive first aid to stop you from dieing.

If left alone and you stabilize you can regain consciousness when you are back to 1 Life Point at a rate of +1 Life Point per 8 Health per day.

Natural Armor
Base: 0
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Natural Armor per -300
Decrease: -1 Natural Armor per 300

This ability deals with your resistance to a physical damage. If an opponent succeeds in hitting you the physical damage applied is first reduced from any worn armor and then your natural armor. Natural Armor is ignored when taking damage from any vulnerabilities or weaknesses you suffer from.

Base: 100
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Focus per -160
Decrease: -1 Focus per 160

Focus is an ability that serves as a measure to complete a task under stressful conditions, like combat. This ability allows you to avoid being distracted. Casting a spell, picking a lock, picking a pocket and other skills that need a great deal of focus to succeed in will benefit from a high focus.

Base: 100
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Power per -250
Decrease: -1 Power per 250

This ability is a measure of your raw presence, charisma and force of will. It is a base ability used in many spells to determine damage, just like strength is a base value to determine physical damage.

Base: 100
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Awareness per -160
Decrease: -1 Awareness per 160

Awareness can help you avoid traps, ambushes and the like. It can also help alert you to someone staring at you or stalking you when you are focused on other things.

Base: See Size
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Identity per -160
Decrease: -1 Identity per 160

Your sense of who you are and your place in the world. A low Identity makes you prone to insanity, charm and control effects. A high Identity makes such things more difficult.

Base: 0
Max Change: +/-8
Improve: +1 Ego per -300
Decrease: -1 Ego per 300

This ability is a mental variance. Once per combat round you can take the score of ego and add it to one of the other mental value; Focus, Power, Awareness or, Identity. This is done at an increased MAP of 2 per attempt.

Physical Action Points (PAP)
Base: (Coordination + Strength + Agility + Health)/10 round off

This is the number of points available to be spent on combat, casting, or power activations. These points are based on all the physical abilities excluding natural armor. The default for a medium race with unmodified abilities is 40 (400 from Attack, Strength, Agility, and Health)/10.

Mental Action Points (MAP)
Base: (Focus + Power + Awareness + Identity)/10 round off

This is the number of points available to be spent on combat, casting, or power activations. These points are based on all the mental abilities excluding ego. The default for a medium race with unmodified abilities is 40 (400 from Focus, Power, Awareness, and Identity)/10.

Fatigue Points
Base: 0

With a base of zero, this is a marker system to determine the amount of fatigue a unit/character has. Each added point reduces the amount of combat a unit/character can handle.

Fatigue is gained by spending all of your P.A.P. or M.A.P. points. Once the points are spent a fatigue point is gained and the P.A.P./M.A.P. is reset to a value less than its starting value. Any excess PAP or MAP used that earned a fatigue point is ignored. So for example if you have 3 PAP left and spend 6 in combat performing an action then the -3 left over from reducing your 3 by 6 points is thrown out. So if you start with 40 points and reset to 30 because you earned your first fatigue counter. the -3 is not carried over, just ignore it. For each fatigue point gained you can only reset for 75%, 50%, and lastly 25%. As a bonus, root skills and their child skills you buy into will grant additional PAP and/or MAP

# of counters PAP/MAP totals Attack/Defense Adj. Land/Air Speed Example 40 points
0 100% 0 0 40 PAP / 40 MAP
1 75% -1 -1 30 PAP / 30 MAP
2 50% -2 -2 20 PAP / 20 MAP
3 25% -4 -3 10 PAP / 10 MAP
4 NA -6 1 Step Max/No Flight PAP BUILDS / MAP BUILDS

Once you gain your forth fatigue points the PAP and MAP begins to build up. Once the PAP or MAP equals or exceeds the Health for PAP or Identity for MAP the player is comletely spent and will collapse unconscious. See the chart below.

Base: See Chart

All creatures have what I call a "normal" sight. But seeing something and knowing what it is are two different things. This means sight is a two step process.

Noticing something depends on your surroundings and your activity. Standing watch on a ship at sea will grant you a longer range than standing watch in a bazaar. Your vision is further restrict by your activity. If, in the bazaar, you are in a fight you are more focused on the combat and less to your surroundings. You can think of this as a tactical fog of war.

Recognizing something noticed is the second issue you must deal with. Standing on a hill that over looks a clearing will allow you to see for some distance. But what do you see? At a few feet you may notice that its your friend Evan the Soldier, at a farther distance you will see a soldier, even further you will see an armored person, farther still you lose race and size details, anything beyond that is just something moving in a direction. So what are the numbers?

formula for max sight distance: (Focus+Height)*(Awareness*1.8)
distance below is for a default ability of 100 for focus and 100 for awareness. Height is an average value of 45, 90, 180, 360, 720 of the sizes (Tiny to Huge).
all distances are rounded off to the nearest whole number and represent meters.
Size Max Dist. Know Size Know Species Know Class Know Person
Tiny (45cm) 121m60m40m30m24m
Small (90cm) 158m79m53m40m32m
Medium (180cm) 233m117m78m58m47m
Large (360cm) 383m192m128m96m77m
Huge (720cm) 683m342m228m171m137m
Modify the above values with the following (round off results). Examples used below use the default for a medium creature.
Type Amount Example
Combat 10% You automatically recognize a face at 5 meters. If friends are farther than 5 you may make an awareness check as a partial action on a 1d20 vs 20-awareness to be aware of comrades farther away. This will hamper the insta-there in combat when friendlies are in trouble or downed.
Concealment 100% - concealment % Value You recognize a targets face that is 50% concealed at 24 meters.
Familiar location x2 Spot your favorite tavern recognized at 94 meters.
Busy Street 50% You recognize a face at 24 meters.
Smaller than you in a crowd 100%-(10% per difference) You recognize a tiny face (2 sizes smaller) at 38 meters.
Larger than you in a crowd 100%+(10% per difference) You recognize a large face (2 sizes bigger) at 56 meters.

You can also combine the modifiers. For example to recognize a tiny face on a busy street that is 10% concealed would be (90%) of 47 = 42.3m.

Base: Neutral

Mood is a way to measure the emotional state of another person and maybe affect it for good or not. To alter a mood one can make use of the bluff skill or a spell like charm. A successful roll (+20 over the difficulty) will move the targets mood one direction or the other depending on what you are doing.

Modifiers that will add to the difficulty are different species (+5), size difference (+3), skin type (scales, fur, flesh, etc...+5) and the amount of physical and mental action points spent in combat against you (+1 per point).

Rage They will stop at nothing to fight you, even if they are certain to lose.
Anger Wants to fight, but may think twice if fighting will get them in jail, seriously injured or, dead.
Disdain Will not fight you unless they have an obvious advantage, but will look for ways to discredit you or otherwise make your life more unpleasant.
Distrust Wants little to do with you, will only sell or offer services to you at an increased rate.
Neutral No strong feelings one way or the other.
Agreeable Will listen to you with real interest and deal with you fairly.
Likes They may look for time to spend with you like a close friend.
Fascinate Strong feelings may influence their behaviour towards you as they go out of their way to be near you as long as they do not find themselves getting in trouble, jail, become a social outcast, etc..
Obsessed This person will stop at nothing to possess you, or be in your favor. Rejection can be dangerous as they will look for ways to convince you that you are wrong about them.

Creative Commons License
Red Ash World Engine by Chris A Jokinen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at