DESC: Your species will never leave a body behind when one dies. It is as if the life force of the individual holds the body together. When the life ends the body quickly, and for some violently, breaks down.
The simplest form is the digestive or smoke of the physical type. Either of these will permit the body to decay in one round leaving nothing behind but the physical items carried.
The acid form of the physical type not only destroys the body but destroys items carried too. Magic items get a +10 to save. Very powerful items +20 to save and artifact level items +50. Mundane metal items get a +5 to save.
The void form of the physical type crumbles the body if the fallen and all items carried. Magic items get a +5 to save. Very powerful items +10 to save and artifact level items +20.
The energy of the damage type is an explosive release of energy that will vaporize the body and damage all people within a number of centimeters equal to the health ability of the fallen with a successful attack roll. Magic items get a +10 to save. Very powerful items +20 to save and artifact level items +50. Mundane metal items get a +5 to save.